Let's review and click the photos. Reflection changes with different light angle. Very nice with Luigi!!!
Black Matte Skin. M9-P look!!!
(Suggest to remove the red logo to avoid the protruding)
Special Edition - Woody
Please email M.Cutiz @ Phoebe.Li for availability
eBay buyer - the Buy It Now price is for Black Carbon pattern and transparent skin only.
More photo please visit M.Cutiz's Facebook
M4 Woody Special (WG01)
Leica M9 with Woody Special (WG13)
Leica M9 with Woody Special Stealth Logo Masked(WG15)
M8 Silver with Woody Special (WG04)
Woody Collection (M9 with WG04)
High Precision Cutting on 3M
3M Material - Made in Japan.
<<<<Up to 12 year lifespan>>>>
Allow remove without leaving any residue.
More photo please visit M.Cutiz's Facebook
Stealthier, to hide your red Leica logo and the "M9" "M8" "M6".
Here you go the "Masked" version
Stealth LOGO Masked M.Cutiz
Step by step, easy 10mins
Handcrafted Art. Don't rush.
(Transparent skin is elastic and application requires more effort and time)
White letter paint come off that easy on some M.
Always cut tiny Kitchen Cling Wrap chip to cover the letter paint when apply the skin.
Wash your hand, clean your M. Oil and grease always our big enemy.
First of all, locate the mark(red) and fold from red to red COMPLETELY.
If you miss this step the skin will peer off due to the hardness of material.
>>>>> |
Leica M9 / Leica M8

Leica MP M3/M4/M6

Thanks for watching. Have a nice day with M.Cutiz Leica !
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Disclaimers of Warranty The use of M.Cutiz is at your own risk.
M.Cutiz disclaim liability for any claim, loss, injury or damage arising with the use of M.Cutiz skin.